Can Dogs Eat Bananas

Like most canine owners you most likely have wondered, can dogs eat bananas? You may have accidentally dropped one on the floor and your pet gobbled it up, or maybe you’re just looking for a healthy natural snack for your pooch. Either way, you’ll be pleased to know that the answer is, yes! In fact, bananas are one of the most nutritious fruits for dogs. And it doesn’t hurt that you can find them worldwide, usually year-round, and they’re pretty inexpensive. Here’s what you’ll want to know when considering feeding this popular fruit to your pet.

Health Benefits Of Bananas For Dogs

Bananas offer your dog many nutritious benefits. They are rich in potassium which is very important for the proper functioning of their muscles and nerves along with helping to maintain the proper fluid balance. The fiber found in bananas can help pets with gastrointestinal issues such as loose stool and diarrhea.

Interestingly the added fiber they provide can be used to help dogs that are constipated as well by promoting bowel movements. You can actually use the fiber content of bananas to your advantage if you have an overweight pet since it helps to make dogs feel fuller than other options.

Bananas also contain magnesium which is important for the growth of bones, absorption of vitamins, along with protein production. By eating them your pet will get vitamin C which helps support a healthy immune system and vitamin B6. And of course don’t forget the carbohydrates, which when broken down will give your pooch a lasting energy boost for that play or exercise session.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?



Are Bananas Safe For Dogs?

While they do offer a range of health benefits it’s important to know that bananas are safe for dogs as long as your pet doesn’t eat too many. They aren’t toxic but moderation is still the key. When dogs eat too much fiber it can cause constipation.

Bananas also contain natural fats, so while allowing your dog to eat them every once in a while is healthy, feeding your pet too many can contribute to weight gain. This is especially true if you already have an obese dog.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

Bananas themselves are not difficult to digest but their peels can be another story. They aren’t toxic but they are hard for dogs to digest. Peels can cause blockages in the intestinal tract if your dog eats a large number of them.  If that happens, you’ll want to consult your vet.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?



Best Ways To Feed Your Dog Bananas         

When feeding your pet a good general rule to follow would be to limit medium and large dogs to about half of a banana a few times per week, while smaller pets should be limited to a couple of little pieces every week. It’s also good to keep in mind that snacks shouldn’t make up more than ten percent of your dog’s daily diet. That being said there are a couple of great ways to give them to your pet.

You cut them up and use them as healthy treats. The smaller the pieces the easier they will be to digest. Or you may want to mash up the bananas and mix them in with your pet’s food. Freezing them inside an interactive dog toy such as a Kong can keep your dog occupied for long periods of time. This can be less costly than other Kong stuffers and of course, it’s also nutritious.

You might even want to think about adding other healthy foods inside to help top off or seal your Kong such as non-fat yogurt, a bit of peanut butter, or both. Of course keep in mind just like when feeding your dog anything new you should keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction, changes in weight, and your pet having a sensitive stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?



Do Dogs Like Bananas?

Similar to people every dog is different. So while some pets love bananas others don’t. In fact, some canines dislike the smell of bananas or at least banana peels. For this reason, sometimes owners place peels in the pots of plants that are toxic to dogs in order to keep them away.

As you can see, bananas for dogs can be a fun, easy, and inexpensive snack that are filled with nutrients. Just be sure to feed them in moderation.


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