
It might not be obvious at first to new dog owners, but there are actually many ways to train your canine companion. If you want to see a perfect example, simply do a basic search on the internet for dog training and you’ll see just how many different results come up. Many of these are not only highly effective but also safe, and some are even very mentally stimulating and fun for your pet. However, you should definitely try and avoid those which involve punishment for quite a few compelling reasons.

He Might End Up Becoming Afraid Of You

This is not a situation you want to create but it often happens as a result of constant discipline. You and your dog are both much better off when you are seen as a loving companion instead of someone to fear.

He May Not Understand

For a dog to understand or learn, he needs to be able to associate a behavior with a result. This works for both positive and negative actions and needs to be done immediately after that behavior takes place. By scolding your dog hours or minutes after it has done something you disapprove of he won’t understand why you are punishing him and likely repeat the behavior in the future.

Frustration Is A Common Side Effect

A large number of dogs become confused by the cycle of punishment. Not understanding why they are being disciplined can really frustrate them since they want to please their master. Unfortunately, this can lead to other problems like aggression.

Some Behaviors Are Only Natural

Even though they may not be appropriate in the house or garden behaviors like chewing, digging, and barking is natural for all dogs. Punishing your pet for what comes instinctually to him can be another cause of frustration. A much better solution is to provide him with an outlet for just being a dog like healthy chew toys or even puzzle toys for mental stimulation when you’re away at work or busy.

Shouting Never Helps

Yelling at your dog doesn’t solve the problem or teach him anything, it actually will often get him more excited than he already is leading to more barking or whatever it was that caused you to scream at him in the first place.

Frequent Discipline Can Lead To Nervousness

Dogs that have become afraid around their owners because they are constantly being punished can end up becoming nervous not just when around you but others too and that’s not healthy.

Punishment Doesn’t Stop Why Your Pet Is Behaving In A Certain Way

Yes, it may stop the behavior itself but the reason for it will most likely cause him to only act out again in a different one. Pent-up energy for example is one of the most common and can be dealt with by providing your dog with more exercise or play.

Reacting In A Positive Manner Always Works Better

Using positive reinforcement to reward the behaviors you do want will always get results much more quickly and efficiently than negative reinforcement.

Punishment is not only ineffective but can be detrimental to the relationship between you and your dog. Stick only to those training methods that use positive reinforcement to keep your canine happy and healthy while eliminating behavioral problems at the same time.


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