Dangerous Foods For Dogs

We all want our pets to be safe and healthy. However, there are many foods they should never eat. The following are some of the most common dangerous foods for dogs you’ll need to know in order to keep your pooch out of the emergency room.


Foods and beverages that contain alcohol such as wine, beer, and liquor are all dangerous for dogs to consume. While some owners may find it funny to give their pets a bit of a drink it’s a very bad idea. Because dogs are much smaller than people, it only takes a little bit of alcohol to do damage.

Small dog breeds in particular are even more susceptible. Liver damage, loss of coordination, coma, breathing difficulties, and death can all result from alcohol consumption.


Most people don’t realize that avocado can cause big problems for pets. That’s most likely because it just tastes so good.  What makes avocado dangerous for dogs is the fact that it contains a substance known as persin.

This substance is considered toxic to canines along with many other types of animals too. Ingesting just a tiny bit can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Persin is not just in the fruit itself but also in the leaves, bark, and seeds of the tree as well.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs



Bread Dough

As all bakers know dough needs to rise before it can be baked. However, if it is eaten by your pet first it can actually rise in the stomach. The expanding dough can cause your dog’s abdomen to stretch resulting in a lot of pain. To make matters worse as the yeast in the dough ferments alcohol is produced which may also lead to alcohol poisoning as well.

Caffeinated Drinks

Beverages that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, cocoa, energy drinks, and colas should never be given to pets. When consumed in large amounts caffeine can cause heart palpitations, rapid breathing, and muscle tremors. If pets consume a big enough quantity it can even cause death.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs




Think twice before giving your pet a piece of candy as a treat. Most candies are loaded with sugar which is bad for their teeth and if eaten enough cause them to be overweight and at risk for diabetes. Even sugar-free candies are considered to be foods harmful to dogs as many contain xylitol, a sugar alternative from birch wood.

Xylitol can spike your pooch’s insulin level resulting in a lowering of blood sugar. And that can cause liver failure and ultimately death. Symptoms of xylitol consumption include lethargic behavior, vomiting, and seizures.


Many dog owners already know that chocolate can be highly hazardous to their pet’s health. What makes chocolate harmful to dogs is actually the substance known as theobromine which is found in the cocoa beans that are used to make the chocolate. Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of this substance.

Eating too much can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, seizures, and sometimes respiratory failure and death.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs



Cooked Bones

Contrary to what many dog owners believe you should never give your dog cooked bones. They can splinter when your dog chews them causing serious damage to your pet’s mouth. They also can cause choking, internal blockages, and even pierce your dog’s stomach and intestines.

Many cooked bones, particularly weight-bearing bones, can be hard enough to break your pet’s teeth. Raw bones are actually much safer as they are softer and more pliable.

Grapes And Raisins

Both grapes and their dried form, raisins, should never be fed to pets. While it is unknown what particular substance in the fruit makes grapes dangerous for dogs, they are considered toxic. Even small amounts can be dangerous. Eating either of them may cause kidney failure and death. Common symptoms after ingestion are vomiting and hyperactivity followed by a period of lethargy.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs



Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are popular on their own but also when baked into cookies. However, they are definitely something you will want to keep far away from your pooch. Macadamia nut poisoning can include symptoms such as paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, fever, muscle tremors, and a rapid heart rate. Eating chocolate combined with macadamia nuts can cause further complications.


Not only milk but other dairy products that are made from it can cause your dog to have an upset stomach. While not considered dangerous, milk and milk products may cause diarrhea and discomfort for your pet.

So be sure to think twice before giving your dog a bowl of milk or a special ice cream treat. Many owners do however use goat’s milk for dogs instead which is much easier for canines to digest and is highly nutritious.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs




One of the vegetables dangerous for dogs is onions. This doesn’t just go for raw onions but all of its forms, such as cooked, powdered, and dehydrated. The reason they are such a concern is that when eaten in large doses or regularly over time, onions can cause hemolytic anemia.

This is a condition where the red blood cells in the body burst. Symptoms of onion toxicity in dogs are typically lethargy, lack of appetite, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Peaches And Plums

Both peaches and plums contain pits. Unfortunately, pets may don’t know to stop eating once they’ve reached the pit, which can cause dangerous intestinal blockages. Choking is also a possibility. The pit of these two fruits actually contains a form of cyanide which can slow down oxygen transport in the blood. Eating multiple or large amounts of pits therefore can be deadly.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs



Raw Eggs

Many pet owners feed their dogs a raw diet, and this often includes raw eggs. However, when feeding raw eggs there is always a chance of salmonella. The chance of your dog actually encountering salmonella bacteria is typically remote, however. But it’s still something you should be aware of if you do decide to feed your dog a raw diet. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning in dogs include vomiting and bloody diarrhea.

Salty Foods

Even though dogs often like salty foods such as chips and French fries they should not be given to your pet even as an occasional treat. While dogs need salt in their diet, too much salt can be very dangerous.

Too much puts your pet at risk for salt toxicity. This can cause excessive thirst and therefore extreme water consumption and urination.  Other symptoms of toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea, stumbling around in a “drunken manner”, seizures, and death.

Dangerous Foods For Dogs



Sugary Foods

Just like humans when pets consume food products that are high in sugar it can lead to problems such as diabetes and obesity. Dental problems can also be an issue as well with dogs that eat too much on a regular basis. There are some natural alternatives when you want to give your pooch a healthy snack instead, such as carrots. In fact, when dogs eat carrots it can actually help to clean their teeth by reducing plaque.


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